Safety Policy
Safety Precautions
We always carry out Risk Assessments before each project
We deliver site inductions and toolbox talks on a regular basis to our team
We ensure all of our team is trained, experienced and qualified in what they are doing
We provide all PPE / RPE as necessary
Project Delivery
We ensure all our equipment is tested appropriately before use
We ensure all waste is disposed of accordingly
We ensure asbestos warning signs are displayed
We ensure enclosures are checked before and after entry
Fire Safety
We will provide a fire safety plan where necessary
Risk assessments will be carried out
Fire safety checks will be carried out regularly
Materials will be stored under relevant fire safety regulations
Fire Procedures will be communicated with all team members
Emergency and Evacuation plans and procedures will be available
Completion of Works
We will provide a fire safety plan where necessary
Risk assessments will be carried out
Fire safety checks will be carried out regularly
Materials will be stored under relevant fire safety regulations
Fire Procedures will be communicated with all team members
Emergency and Evacuation plans and procedures will be available